In the setting of 2008, Jessica "Jesse" Oswalt, returns to the fictional city of Beacontown as the one of the most dangerous (and charismatic herself) criminals in the city. Jesse finally gets to start a new life in her hometown, but with life of a crime and seduce victims for her own gain? Even better, for her at least. The town's police detective, Lukas Porter struggles to maintain his loyalty to protocol while finding a way to bring Jesse back to her senses without risk putting her in jail after the death of his fiancé. She's the only case that Porter won't left unsolved until she abandons her villainess intentions, which she won't give up on so easily. ⚠️⚠️ WARNING: - Sexual content - Violence - Language/Slurs - Gaslighting/Guilt-Tripping - Psychological/Emotional triggers - Blood and possibly slight gore(?) - Dark Humor and References - Bad Grammar and English - Contains satire - Angst - Multi-ship (temporarily) - Almost all of these are heavy yet fictional (don't read if you're weak-hearted bum)
26 parts