this is about My versions of the undertale AUs how they met, and their backstory's. **WARNING** my AUs are a "little" darker than the originals, ..ok that's a lie. they are a lot darker. Tho I tried to keep them as canon as possible, with a few of My touches. my story's contain: gay scenes/very gay scenes, Foncest, sanscest, swearing, mental illness, sadomasochism, pyromania, eating disorders, physical, psychological, and sexual abuse, drugs, addiction, sexual assault, blood/gore and Lgbtq+ if you feel uncomfortable with these, you may leave/skip certain parts. I just wanted to warn anyone who reads this because I don't want to trigger or upset anyone =) if you have any questions/constructive(polite)criticisms feel free to ask/speak your mind!
btw I don't know/care for all the AUs, just the ones in these stories including my own original AU. oh! one more thing, I'm a multi-shipper. enjoy