This story, "Old House Mystery," revolves around the Henry family as they move back into their old bungalow after a decade-long absence. The house, though kept clean, has a palpable sense of age and a strange atmosphere. The family faces a series of inexplicable events: a white cloth stained with blood and smelling of fish mysteriously appearing and reappearing, causing unease and bewilderment; Indira, the mother, having a vivid nightmare about her daughter Nova, with a creepy undertone; and finally, Nova encountering unsettling occurrences in her room, leading her to believe she may have encountered a ghost.
The story is told through the eyes of Nova, a teenager who experiences a series of strange occurrences in the old house, sparking her curiosity and fear. She initially tries to dismiss them as mere imagination, but as the events unfold, she begins to question reality, leading to a growing sense of suspense and mystery.
This is a family-friendly story, with themes of mystery, suspense, and a touch of the supernatural. It explores the interplay of fear and curiosity, as the family confronts the unexplained happenings in their new home. The story also delves into the dynamics of family relationships, as the characters navigate their individual experiences and try to understand what is happening around them.