The Violetverse series centers on teenage Violet Benton as she makes her surprised return to Somerville High School. The Benton Gang, of course, is thrilled to see her return again. But her surprising return causes a little strain in the relationship between Jonny Harper, her former romantic crush, and her best friend and Jonny's girlfriend, Monica Sinclair.
And the Benton Gang themselves : Sonya Hedrick, Violet's preschool best friend, Ava Robinson, The Rocketeers, Eric Smith and Matt Fields, best friends and the Class Jokesters Duo.
Violet Benton is a seventeen year old teenager who lives in a small town named Arrington along with her best friends, the Benton Gang.
Violet, herself, has things weighing on her, but still, she keeps her head high and proceeds ahead.
Jonny Harper, Violet's former romantic crush, is in a romantic relationship with Violet's other best buddy, Monica Sinclair. But when Violet makes her surprised return back to Somerville High, will Jonny's romantic feelings for Violet resurface? And due to her therapy session program at Oak Valley, Violet's completely over Jonny, but is Jonny completely over her?
And lastly, but not least, the Grumpy Bee herself, Cherry Jenson. High school drama and gossip is her hobby. And while also, she may be the Grumpy Bee at Somerville High School, but even, Cherry, herself, is a pretty cool person - well, not that much.
As Violet Benton and the Benton Gang goes about their teenage daily life's, they have yet to learn of the darkness that lurks around their odd small town, and the skeletons in the closet and dark secrets that goes along with it.
*Edited version on my profile
Violet has been tortured for more than half of her life for being different from other wolves. She was abused physically and mentally when she didn't shift like all other children.
On her sixteen birthday she changed from a broken human to a broken ruthless wolf after being rejected by her mate and a horrible incident.
With her companion she traveled in and out of territories seeking revenge dodging the destiny she knew she would have after finding it out on her sixteen birthday becoming THE ruthless rogue.
Four years later she is now the alpha of one of the most powerful pack and one of the most powerful wolves by her sister's side.
Until demon sightings began to increase and the council paired her with her old pack in order to have a chance against this rising threat.
Her pass is catching on with her, a past she never even knew she had. She has to deal with her old pack uncovering her secrets she thought she had left behind and the ones she currently carries with her.
Now she has to decipher which is the truth and which is not based on her past centuries of life which is all blank to her. Her mysterious connection with the king of demons, attacks against her to break her and her packs trust and a century old council that will do anything to make her unable to fulfill a legend unknown to all.
One things for sure.
It's going to be hell and Violet Scarlett will be the one sure to bring it.
Revenge and torture takes a big part in her vocabulary in this century.
(editing done by Amellia11 and Myth_es)
copyright@ 2014 RCD
P.S. I'm not responsible for any inappropriate actions anyone does after reading this book.