A 20 years old college student named Hotaru is known of having a sleepy personality by people seeing him not having any energy in his personality and sleeps alot because that's what he likes, people says that you will be very luck seeing Hotaru's big personality because it's rare seeing Hotaru's personality in full because he only personality people see him doing is just a little, even do he sleeps alot he still finish his work before sleeping again but still having his sleepy personality and a calm sleepy voice. How can he be productive and be sleeping at the same time you may ask? I don't know either.... When he was just walking on the street walk to go home to finish his homework, playing his favorite games, and to sleep on his soft bed, he then sees a big sister bonding with her little brother enjoying their time together until someone attempted to murder the big sister for some reason, but Hotaru use his body as a shield to save the big sister from getting killed because there's a certain memory triggered his own body to move to save someone, he successfully saves the big sister but trades for his own life because of blood loss. He then opens his eyes to see an abounded laboratory just to see his not in his world anymore...., and a Fumo? *confused* (ON HOLD)All Rights Reserved