35 Части Завершенная история Для взрослыхHaven Mathers is the oldest daughter of Marshall Mathers, better known as Eminem, Slim Shady, the white guy from D12, and so on. She was the result of an affair Marshall had when he was young, but he still loved her all the same. She was his baby, and as she grew up, he was her best friend.
When Haven hit the age of eighteen, she had to travel everywhere with her father because Kim didn't want her around. Kim claimed to love Haven as her own, but obviously that wasn't true. She traveled with him for two years, before she decided she wanted to get out on her own.
Being the daughter of famous rapper, Eminem, she had to move to a place that she'd less likely get mobbed every time she went to a store or restaurant. Being on tour with him for two years made her a lot more recognized and pretty much famous than the rest of her sisters. It was a blessing and a curse; a blessing to rub in Kim's face, but a curse because Haven wanted to be normal sometimes.
Anyhow, the young girl decided to move to Charming, California. The only people who knew where she went was her father and her sisters. Nobody else was allowed to know, and she liked that. She didn't expect that living in Charming would put her in a completely different lifestyle, but she also still had to deal with the fame and recognition from her father's fans, but also the criticism about her family, especially her father, in the news and to her face.
It was a pain, but one man started to make it better. Things don't turn completely as planned when her father finds out about him, especially when he learns that the man is the same age as him. He gets angry, but he'd do anything for his girls, so would he really hurt her for being with the man?