YO, PEOPLE! So, y'know Suzanne Collins' trilogy, The Hunger Games? Well, Hunger Games applyfics are becoming really trendy, so Reed turned to me and said, "What the heck, Lizzerizriz? We should have a competition and see whose Hunger Games applyfic gets the most votes!" Naturally, I had to say, "Game on, sissy! And good luck! I have more fans than you!" This is only mature because of violence, but the contents is all clean. HAPPY HUNGER GAMES! AND BE SURE TO VOTE FOR ME BUT NOT REED!
"You do know how to eat a burger, right?"
Summer rolled her eyes, looking up at him with feigned exasperation. "Of course I do," she retorted, then lowered her voice as she leaned in, her expression shifting to one of genuine concern. "Do you think they have a fork and knife? So I can, you know... cut it?"
Robby Keene x fem!oc
cobra kai season 3-6