I made this story based on the song "whish you were gay" by Billie Eilish 😋 and most of the story will be based off of robin and some of Finn's pov and some chapter's will be based off of different songs too
In the story:
Grabber 🙄
sexual assault
maybe smut I don't know I'm not really good at writing it but I'll try and see if it works out
Gender dysphoria
Robins dad is alive
Also there going to be aged up
27 Kapitel Abgeschlossene Geschichte Erwachseneninhalt
27 Kapitel
Abgeschlossene Geschichte
Set in New Orleans lived two boys. One having a secret, the other being a new kid, or better fresh meat...
Finney Blake, the locked up, trouble maker. Finney had been living in New Orleans the day he had been born, never left, never did anything outside of the city. He was known for being not only popular but apparently good in bed... With both males and females...Finney was known for being the hot kid too, except, he had never had a real relationship, ever. Every girl and guy was convinced at one point maybe they had been the one. But they were wrong, Finney was distant, and he found it hard to show his emotions. The only close friends he had were Vance Hopper the tough kid, Billy Showalter the party kid, and Bruce Yamada
Robin Arellano the New hot kid, Robin had moved from Denver and was completely new to everything. His mom and dad had been freshly divorced, and when asked the question about his sexuality he would answer with, "I'm still figuring it out." Even though he knew that he was gay. He was just scared. And he was even more scared when he met Finney Blake... A possible lover, or enemy. Finney made Robin get butterflies, but still the constant feeling of wanting to punch Finney in the face at the same time. He never felt this feeling and surely after finding out Finney's reputation he didn't want want to feel the way he did.