About Us ( August Alsina : finished )
26 chapitres Terminé Contenu pour adultesAugust and Ki never were the two in high school to get along. August, of course, was a bad boy and always in trouble, but he always had some girl and her friends fawning over him, mainly because he was fine as all day and he was on the football team. Ki, the school's dancing, cheering, independent, lovable little woman. She was friendly, beautiful, and had a slight twang to her personality. The thing is though, August ain't never liked her and Ki damn sure ain't never liked him. He thought she was ugly just because when he asked her out, she turned him clean the fuck down and was more focused on baby boy Haden. After high school, though, when August made it big and released his album and still had girls fawning after him and when Ki decided to follow the path of becoming a model, what happens when they meet up again?