It's the early eighteenth century. After an unusual upbringing, a move to a strange land and the death of her mother, Anne Bonny, the beautiful daughter of a respectable Irishman settled in the peaceful town of Charleston, North Carolina, starts to run amuck. Her mischief culminates in her scandalous liaison with the vagrant James Bonny. Her lust for him sweeps her away from her peaceful life into a troubled world of robbery, rape and murder, where safety is guaranteed for nobody but a wild adventure can be had by all. This unruly Irish teenager, with a temper as flaming as her bright red hair, will one day become the most notorious female pirate who ever lived.
Historical evidence for Anne Bonny's existence is scarce, and her life events do suggest that a storyteller tampered with her tale. But whether it be true or false, and whether or not I have got the facts completely wrong (having been depending on the internet as a research tool), her story and that of those around her, whether they be fictional or romanticised, makes for a fascinating novel. I started writing it last year, when i was in a bit of a pirate phase. Since then Lady Calico was imprisoned in a forgotten folder of mine. I wanted to write something a little more serious and grown-up than A Definition of Magic, the themes of which are babyish compared to those of Lady Calico. This novel is certainly completely different, far darker, heavier and realer. I would very much appreciate any number of readers, and please provide lots of feedback! It might not be professional publisher material, but hopefully it's good enough for the internet!