The Nurse/Midwife's Handbook - A Dictionary
39 parts Complete Terms and abbreviations, dictionary style, as well as go-to clinical content.
Everything be alphabetical here.
Just a compilation of understandable information all in the same place for easy access. Comment for any requests to be added. I am also updating content regularly.
* Included educational diagrams are sourced from the Internet and are not my own unless stated otherwise.
* I am constantly updating the dictionary and resource chapters
* Please note, information has been sourced from elsewhere, and has (AND HAS NOT) been reworded in most instances, varying from topic to topic. References are included in places.
* Also please note, this is Australian clinical practise, and abbreviations may not exist in other countries as recognised by legislative regulation elsewhere. Some abbreviations also do not reflect the approved list published by the NMBA, as they are verbally used between healthcare staff, and not in written documentation.