B mine What is it like to be in lobe with yakuza mobsters who is also female? When brea was approached by I blonde haired Japanese yakuza who was in town she both attracted and in love at the same time with Midori. So what now. The best yet Her new sensei was no older then Claudia who was 18 and Kiki was 22. It right from there that Claudia want to kiss sensei Kiki. When Kiki corrects Claudia's stance that was when she realized the feelings that Claudia had for her. She takes the chance and kisses Kiki "Aren't we being unethical martial artists," Kiki said. "I love you, sensei!" Claudia says. "I want you, Kiki" Kiki cannot deny her feelings for Claudia. Sirenhead ate my brains When to Sirenhead fanatics come together only to fall in love. Fanny and brandy did think that their first date will end not just in a kiss but in also sighting Sirenhead. Unified by love for eachother and the awh of Sirenhead. They find them selves Sirenhead hunting