7 Kapitel Laufend ErwachseneninhaltSean Owens: a stoic, popular jock that's mostly known for his sporty lifestyle and his good looks at his school. No one -not even his closest friends- know he's gay, but he's never tried to hide it, just never tried to show it either. The one person that he thought he would tell about his sexuality was the same person that made him realize it, but that person stopped talking to him soon after he moved. It had been so long he couldn't even remember what his face looked like. But he didn't matter now, what mattered now to Sean was to get through this last year of highschool, and to get into college. Simple as that, it wasn't like his past crush was going to randomly appear in his school or something.
Will Sin-Nombre: a Hispanic, jokester that comes from Catholic family, and had to be homeschooled after a rather serious fight that may have, or may have not earned him a trip to the hospital, and some minor memory loss. He thought he would be homeschooled again this year, but his parents had found him a school that would take him. Usually, Will would ease right into any situation quickly, but this school isn't like the public school he went to before, and he wasn't completely sure what he thought about his rather attractive, yet super familiar looking classmate.
(Side note) This is a fanfic of Popularity by Adam Bagdasarian and this story is just a fun idea me and my friends came up with so I'll see if I continue it as it goes. (Also the cover isn't mine)