The God of the mountains is the God of the valley. This was meme that I saw on someone's Facebook status. It spoke to me, but I was in a time of such deep internal conflict that I just didn't recognize the depth of the truth it conveyed. I was contemplating suicide because my life had seemingly fallen apart. My view was obscured by a barrage of poor life choices so, I did not have time for some fortune cookie type of philosophy on someone's social media status. Also, this was shortly after a dark episode where I was on the verge of taking my own life. As I started this incredulous journey of rebuilding my life I met incredible people that have sowed seeds of wisdom into my life. Thus, in writing this book it is my aim to share insights I have received in a way that is grounded and congruent with Christian faith. This is not a book written by someone on the mountain top looking down on you with abject scrutiny, but just another person making his way through the valley on route to the mountain of hope. So, if you feel lost in this valley of despair then I invite you to stroll with me on this journey as I reflect and share insights gained in my own journey. It's not some heroic comeback tale, but rather a transparent reflection of what it takes to rise above negativity and internal conflict that continues to torment those who are in search of that elusive break in life. In this book I reflect learning gained from on good and bad decisions. I try to pull back the veil in a way that makes the experience relatable and also adds value through a God-inspired perspective. I may not have life figured out and that is the beauty of my journey. My boldness to be imperfect and transparent about that truth. This book sets out to encourage all those who feel lost in the valley of despair. It is my sincere hope that this book delivers in it's goal to remind those still in pursuit of their dream of this simple truth - it is possible.