Well, That Was A Thing (Good Omens One-Shots)
53 Kapitel Abgeschlossene Geschichte 53 Kapitel
Abgeschlossene Geschichte
Random AU's for the Ineffable Husbands that either come out of my mind or got inspired by other AU's in the community (if that is the case, I'll specify from where and who the original AU came from). Chapter lengths may vary from very short to very long, I don't plan on giving myself a minimum or maximum word count for this. Even if one goes on for very long and probably should be broken up into several parts, I'll refrain from doing so, to keep it as a literal one-shot. So this should be fun.
(Book says "Completed", but that will only be official when the line below says "Word Count" and not "Current Word Count". If it still has "Current", that means there's still more AU ideas I haven't gotten to, but will someday. If you like how I write the ineffable spouses, add this book to your library so you're notified when a new one-shot comes out!)
Current Word Count: 302,300 (53 one-shots)