Clifford's Confessions
Chapter 1
I was very drawn to Clifford. He was handsome of course. No one ever believed in our love. It always seemed we were fighting an uphill battle for ourselves. No one believed in us. We fought for each other. There were others we were social with. My favorite that he cheated on me with was my sister Linda. She always appeared to have a clean slate. I always had something to clean up in between us. Mistakes I guess for Clifford and I.
His biggest mistake was engaging with Linda. Mine may have been Preston. Preston was always the bully who hooked up with every individual who moved. Not just women either. Preston engaged romantically with men too. Even the poor bartender Leo. Every encounter between Clifford and Leo was always secretive. He made up for each of the encounters with tons of love and kisses.
There was always something that felt off when Preston and I were together. I began to ask myself which men were even truly committed to me 100% anymore. Preston was hiding a secret, something dark, not even his own mom knew about. However, Preston's mom did a good job preventing the truth from surfacing once news got out, or at least she tried. Clifford had a front row seat to Preston's misdeeds. Clifford should have come forward sooner, but the cat and mouse game thrilled Clifford almost sexually. Maybe that explains Clifford's homosexual tendencies?
He indeed lusted too over Preston's muscular appearance, but other men had to suffice in his desire to own the man that is Preston. Lena and Linda were just muses to Clifford, a means to appear normal in his twisted world. A vigilante needs a disguise, a solid cover. Unfortunately, collateral damage follows such ideals.