A shape shifting Owl named Griffin embarks on a mission to help the mammal kingdoms with their fight for survival.
Leaving the safety kingdom of birds, he finds the Four kingdoms of the Foxes,Bears, Wolves, And Lynx's in the starts of a war. The kingdoms are fighting over food, which has become scarce due to the old humans who supposedly poisoned their prey that ran from over the mountains.
The owl is led by the Gods, making his way into each kingdom to find the animals chosen by Machuki herself, to assist Griffin in his journey and search for the cure. He finds a Clumsy and Kind Fox, Michu, A Brave and Warm-hearted Bear, Tamar, A Smart and Hard-headed Wolf, Yukom, And a Sneaky and Loving Lynx, Sky.
With these animals, they find the secerets of each kingdom, new animals, new lands, and a new kingdom entirely.
What else will these animals find? Where will they go? How far away are they willing to drift from their families and kingdoms to help the Kingdoms? Lets read and find out.
[A/N: This book is brand new and a passion project, don't except me to update right away! Im still finding my rhythm in writing and Im still learning. Please be patient!]