Hunter goes to school one day in November and all everyone is talking about is the hot new student teacher for English, Zayn Malik. Hunter finally gets to see him during 4th period and everyone is right. He's hot. They meet a lot differently than every other girl who just sat there staring at him. Hunter runs into him as she's looking down at her phone and a friendship springs up immediately. As time goes on they get even closer and their feelings for each other grow stronger. Hunter meets Zayn's friends Harry, Niall, Liam, and Louis and they can all see the spark between them. But now there's more problems. A new girl comes to the school and is determined to take Zayn from Hunter and the principal and teachers find out that Hunter and Zayn are dating. They had told Zayn not to let that happen, but he just couldn't help himself. Will their relationship last? Or will they have to end it because of the drama? You'll just have to find out.
You Were Mine For The Summer ~Niam Horayne~ *NOT UPDATING*
39 Kapitel Abgeschlossene Geschichte
39 Kapitel
Abgeschlossene Geschichte
If you're gonna hate like everyone else, Fuck off and stop reading now.
A few years back sweet Niall 'came out of the closet' if that's what you want to call it, Ever since then he got abuse and bullied terribly by Zayn, Harry and the guy he fancies, Liam.
Zayn decides it's a good idea to mess with Niall, So he makes up a big plan and Liam gets dragged into it.
Zayn's idea completely back fires and he ends up losing two of his best friends, He then does something and gets part of his life back, Problem is he's had to accept three new friends to his group.
When Niall tells Liam his secret bad stuff happen, Liam gets threatened, Niall starts getting threatened too and they both get hurt.
Will Niall's life crumble? Will he crash and fall? Will he keep up a relationship or will it burn? Find out!