I have decided that I Christina Marie Mesenbrink that being alone is fine with me because I have been alone for the last 24 1/2 years and I will be alone beyond that time. I have been alone not having NO family which means No longer having an older sister and her family. An older brother and his family and also not having 3 younger brothers and their families too. After 24 1/2 years of being alone and invisible I now know what Bert off of "Soap" truly felt like. So as of today, Nov. 13, 2010, the boarders around the House of Smeg are closed and quarantined forever and only 1 person that is inside is (ME)! Along with Doug with a special pass for work outside activities and Mocha now Trouble. I do spend sometimes outside the gates doing things I need too do but I'm almost always alone or sometimes with Doug. The only times I'm needed is when I give blood because everyone needs O+ Blood! So, on Nov 19th, 2010, I'm giving blood and for a few minutes I will not be alone. I can't even do that anymore after I got M.R.S.A. in 2015 after having leg surgery. I don't want to pass it to someone else through my blood! It's every hard to remember what it was like to have Thanksgiving and Christmas with family or more than two people. It must be great to have family that cares about you all the time. So please stay together after your parents are gone because I would never wish this on anyone. It's the cruelest and punishment anyone could go through knowing that you have family out there that doesn't want anything to do with you and Never Knowing WHY!All Rights Reserved