This is a life.. almost no one involved or around can get out of.
Fights, Drugs, Sex, Money, Friend's with Benefits, Gangs, Life or Desth Situations
Yaris and Yesenia Gutiérrez were friends with The Crew before they moved away, Yesenia was known as Spooky 's girlfriend 's little sister which automatically made her a target mainly for the Prophets, and some other gangs but it was mainly the Prophets.
Yesenia has always had feelings for Ceaser but was to shy to ever say anything to him but told her "friend" Monse only for her to catch, her so called friend Monse kissing Ceaser on the front steps of Monse 's house.
Yesenia ran home feeling not only betrayed but sad she didn't get to tell her friends she was moving..
later on Yesenia and her sister Yaris moved for a year but Yesenia would soon learn she was moving back to Freeridge right before school started back.
Will Yesenia ' s feelings for Ceaser return and will Yaris 's relationship with Spooky stay perfect..?