Her kingdom is cruel to her people and their neighbours, they take advantage of the weak and it makes her sick. Her father constantly reject the aid of the white man their kimgdom remains underdeveloped Zuri is the 1st daughter of King Malik of kingdom Omari and has a sister and one brother. She was next in line to be Queen as it was the tradition of their land but she passed the title to her younger sister who was loved by the people and more fit for the role. Her father provokes another kingdom and they retaliate her killing her brother and half of her people which devastates her. Her cowardly father offers her sister and her for marriage in exchange for peace. Her sister was allowed to still inherit the kingdom but was to marry the enemies last son. She was to marry the enemies first son but he was already married. He already had 4 wives and she was to be the 5th but she wouldn't stand for such. She did always believe in monogamy...