this story is a tale of the element of honesty and not so favorite aid character in the My Little pony community and I haven't seen much grim darks based off of it. so I decided to take it upon myself about a month ago to write the very first official Applejack grim dark I hope you all enjoy I am only a teenager so grammar mistakes are inevitable. it takes me a while to think of ideas so please be patient with me on the new upcoming chapters I'm working on chapter 2 as we speak. know that the Apple sleep experiment exists but this is the first Applejack creepypasta that hasn't been based on an already existing one that's why I'm so excited to publish it I might get backlash I know it might not be the best but Applejack deserves at least one scary story. dream is to be shouted out by shunks. my favorite My Little pony content creators they are so sweet and I hope to talk with them one day or even just hear my name in of their videos. I'm going to stop blabbering I hope you enjoy the story I worked really hard on it and I know that there might be a lot of grammar mistakes but yeah I don't know lol.All Rights Reserved