-Tiempo, espacio, realidad, no es un sendero lineal... Es un prisma de realidades infinitas, en donde una decisión, una casualidad o el azar, puede cambiarlo todo...
-Tras su primera cita y de ser asesinado por su primera novia, Hyoudou Issei fue reencarnado en Demonio y descubrió que era el actual poseedor del Boosted Gear, una de las 13 Longinus, donde reside el Dragón Celestial Rojo, Ddraig Goch... Paso por tantas adversidades y, sin desearlo, se convirtió en un gran héroe, siendo alabado como el Oppai Dragón y siendo el ''hijo'' de las dos existencias más poderosas del Universo, Great Red y Ophis Ouroboros, los dos Gods Dragón's...
-Pero en este universo las cosas pasaron de otra manera... Incluso el azar del destino puede cambiar la historia ya antes prescrita...
-¿Y si otra persona fuera el actual Sekiryuutei?
-Una Himejima Akeno, hija de Himejima Shuri y Barakiel, que... Nace con la Boosted Gear.
During the height of the Great War, there emerged a new entity created by God to protect the innocent lives of humans. This new entity was the Angel of Justice, otherwise known as Zarathos. Zarathos was created with protecting the innocent from the evils of war and from the trickery of the Devils and Fallen Angels. There was one devil that tricked Zarathos and lured him into the far reaches of Hell. He was then tortured and shown visions of humanities depravity which drove him insane resulting in his soul being corrupted. No longer the Angel of Justice, Zarathos now could see all sin committed by all beings including God. The Spirit of Vengeance began his mission for the innocent by killing all those who murdered, raped, and tortured them during the war. He killed all leaders of the three factions becoming a symbol of fear for all those who dare wronged the innocent.
The Ghost Rider belongs to Marvel Comics. The pictures I use do not belong to me nor do I own them.