Death or Life
Through death or life
Spirited or not
I love you, and I always shall
You turn my stomach into knots
You are deeply engraved in my heart
And when you leave me it's like a knife
Stabbing deep into my chest
I don't want you to leave
But with you I'm sad,
Without you I'm dying
With you I'm happy
And when I'm not with you
Sometimes I'm a better person
Or I want to kill myself
Over, and over again
Till I bleed out
And I'm nothing but dust
My love for you
Will still be there
Through death
Or life
This book is made up of random poems that I am going to be writing. If you like any certain poem, lemme know, or if you have any ideas for a poem they would be very welcomed. Random poems of life, death, inscirities, and much much more.