Sam Daughtler, supposedly dead for years, reunites with the Sister Warriors after Sam rescues Ava from the Vatican fight.
Sam also reunites with an old lover and a childhood friend as she still struggles with the aftermath of her second death and conceals secrets from her sisters as Adriel and a new evil hunt for the halos in Sam and Ava's backs.
(Disclaimer: Netflix owns all characters except Eray Daughtler, Sam Daughtler, Nina Prez, Lucel Demond, Keith Delzi, Tisha Daughtler-Docant, Ron Daughtler-Docant, Mother Hope, Anthena, and Daniel Daughtler.)
#1 sistercamila
[Book 2]
Bella is grieving Kol's death, but hearing news about becoming aunt cheers her up and decides to got to New Orleans. Lets see what trouble her brothers got her into now.