The door creaked open shortly followed by a slam and a "Well well I will have fun with you, First I will cut you then drench you in my other victims blood then I will skin you then give you a slow painful DEATH!" I had to think fast I Jolted at him I swung my fist grabbed it with his quick reflex toke the lamp of the broken mantel and hit hard on my wrist he broke my damn wrist. "What the hell is going on leave me alone don't threaten me!, what did I do to you!" "Burn hell , wait I can help you with that!" "Please just stop what do you want with me" "simple your life!" "Why?" "Because you toke my FAMILY's life you toke my whole blood over what...a...stupid...idea!" "I'm sorry I don't know what your talking about...?" In that moment I knew deep down that was the wrong word choice. "Don't play dumb I know your a smart girl." Quickly he jumped over me and lifted me tossing me over the room like i was nothing a dead limbless. I shook my head that thought scared me. I don't why but that thought stayed in my head I think it did because in few I would be just that! He let me rest for about an hour I looked at the clock it read 12:54 pm. "Please tell me what I need?" "haha... you decide it would be a great idea to ...I don't know set a bomb right over this what you thought banded city killing my family so know I kill you and everybody else who decided it was such a great idea." Across the room with a sad look on his face conditioned to sharpen is knife! Later that night I felt creep into my heart somewhat a crush formed I had started to form a crush with my murder! Later that night he toke me and him down by the water and ran over the game plan. "When will my killing begin when the sun rise! I started to become okay with the fact that my life will end in four hours!All Rights Reserved