Story of a boy named Haneul Geum, as he navigates his school life making friends along the way a series of drama, betrayal, chaos and also love...
In his previous life, Haneul was a loner with no social life whatsoever and like all teenagers, Haneul found his salvation through his harsh reality in fantasy novels, anime, and manhwas. One webtoon, in particular, he has read for years, his favorite webtoon.
A story named 'Lookism' is a story of a boy named Daniel, with a second body that allowed him to escape his life at the bottom of the food chain and rise to the very top of the pyramid. With top-tier looks and fighting abilities, his newfound body was perfect in every way.
Haneul loved reading the webtoon during the free time that he has at work or at home. As years went by he grew attached to the characters and witnessed their development as the story progressed. He wished that in someway if they were real or if he would have existed in the same reality as them he would protect them all in the best of his abilities and take down every obstacles that prevented them from being happy.
One night, as though the universe answered his prayers his uneventful life ended at the young age of 23 and his new life began....
I don't own the Webtoon Lookism or any of the Characters. I also don't own any of the picture that I use, they're all from Pinterest. This may turn out to be a harem, since I can't decide who is ml.
That is how the protagonist saw everything. It all started with an accident, but it is pointless to explain it here. His life ends, then it starts again, except it starts in a otome game his sister had bought. And he reincarnates as his sister's favourite character. Unfortunately, he's a side character who is scripted to have an abrupt ending.
Determined to live his life he gains a sense of purpose, a feeling he hasn't had in a long time. He's not just any side character, he's the protagonist of this story! Come and watch as he lives his life and perhaps regain some of his lost emotions.
As per usual, I don't own any of the pictures that are used.
Note: This is NOT a BL story if you haven't seen the tags.