30 Bagian Sedang dalam proses "Darling, I understand you are butt-hurt at losing the tender but don't blame me for your impulsiveness and incompetence in handling business dealings, we all know you aren't cut out for the business world. The problem is that you never learn, but don't worry sweetheart, because this time, I'll take it upon myself to teach you all the lessons that will help you navigate effortlessly your way through the business world."
Those words hurt Anabia more than she'd liked to admit. "No thanks, I don't want anything to do with you. I know I'm no comparison to you for you are sharp, calculative, and manipulative a businessman but I know without a doubt that you are deliberately meddling in my business and trying to sabotage it."
"You don't have any proof sweetheart and even if I do admit I'm meddling in your affairs what will you do?" Aaron shot back.
"Why are you doing it?" Anabia asked frustrated.
"It wouldn't be wrong to say, I get pleasure in winning, and well who doesn't enjoy their victory," he quirked his brow and smirked.
Anabia was disgusted by him yet again, but more so, she was angry at herself for barging into his office for explanations when she should have known that it would be futile. Aaron would never leave a chance to rub in her face how he has always won. Before he could humiliate her further, she decided to leave.
However, seeing Anabia leave, Aaron got angry because he expected her to fight, to argue with him, and to give him the attention that he was used to, so he mocked her once more, "Leaving again like the coward you are? What are you gonna do pack up again and leave for Pakistan like a sore loser?"
"Better a loser than a cheat, liar, and traitor like you." Anabia retorted with misty eyes as she made a beeline for the door without a backward glance for she knew she would break down any moment and she didn't want to give him the satisfaction of affecting her even after 3 years.