مرت ثلاثة عشرة عام ولم يلتقيا هي كبرت على حُبه وأشتياقها له وتفكر متى سوف تلتقيه ... وهو كبر على كرهها ويفكر في الأنتقام منها ... فـ ماذا سوف تخبأ لهُم الأيام وهل سوف تكبر فجوة الكره أم فجوة الحُب بينهم
Thirteen years have passed and they have not met. She has grown to love him and miss him, and she is thinking about when she will meet him .... He grew to hate her and is thinking of taking revenge on her... What will the days hold for them, and will the hatred gap or the love gap grow between them?
الرواية تخص ثنائي بوروسارا
الرواية 🔞
The novel belongs to the borusara duo
the novel 🔞