Travel time is often wasted time. For example, what are you doing with your time if you're commuting to work in the morning and back home at night? You could be working on projects that require concentration or focus. Or maybe you just want to sleep to be more productive during the day.
Either way, driving yourself isn't going to help you get these things done-and it can make them harder for one reason: distractions! Distractions like phone calls from friends who want to chat about last night's party, texts from clients about urgent issues, children asking for snacks, or even other safe drivers who aren't paying attention and cut in front of your car, suddenly causing an accident (ouch).
Personal assistant
A chauffeur is a personal assistant and friend in one. Whether you're travelling for business or pleasure, a chauffeur can help with whatever you need. He'll be happy to assist with your luggage or shopping and even provide directions or translation when necessary.
Chauffeurs drive safer
Another benefit of hiring a VIP Chauffer Service in Dubai is that they are trained to drive safely.