21 capítulos Concluído Now, I know what you're thinking. It's just some dumb Snow White story- who would ever want to read that? Well, this version of Snow White is a little... different. Mainly because it's TRUE! See, when I told the story to the Grimm brothers, they just had to change it! We'll make it more popular, they said. No one wants to read a story with a queen for a heroine- lets make it about a princess instead. So, they ended up making the version you've read countless times, about to read it again because your younger sister just HAS to hear it again. Another thing to complain about? Well, when they changed the story they unknowingly put a curse on me! So now I have to stay old forever until someone reads the true Snow White story. And, my lucky reader, that someone is you! So, read on, let me escape my curse, and enjoy! Just becaus eit's true doesn't mean it's boring! I'll even start you off!
Once upon a time...