Alt title: Of Fish And Flowers.
Papyrus is a good skeleton. He is a GREAT skeleton. And when a great skeleton sees that his two best friends are single and ready to mingle, he decides, what better for them than to get out there and go on a date?
With each other...?
Because if they both like him so much, and he like them so much, clearly they must have a lot in common! Could romance blossom between them? Could this be the start of a new friendship? Or... more? Could even his lazybones brother, Sans, find love in an unexpected place as well?! Can flowers become drunk, and if so, what are the specific social dynamics of flowers anyway??!!
(Not that last part, though.)
This is a crackfic. But taken seriously. Only the concept is crack. I guess.
I found a picture/meme thing that gave you an Undertale ship based on the day and month of your birthday, and I sent it to my buddy pal G (Ginkawawii), so she could see hers. I got, well. And she got her own ship, which you'll know if you read her fic, if and when she posts it, which I will eventually link if she does.
She beta-ed this for me, like the lovely pal she is, and helped me catch my mishaps. She does great work, so go check her out! (Undertale stuff, obviously. What'd you expect?)
Oh! Here it is! SOMEONE ELSE SHOULD DO THIS TOO. IT'S FUN. These fics have no reach though, so. Eh. I can dream, can't I?
Enjoy! Hopefully.