Wheres Halstead, Voight says. I Don't know Lindsey say. Im here im here Halstead says, Where have you been, Traffic he lied. As Halstead and Lindsey went to the scene Halstead was feeling nauseous, Lindsey cant you pull over. Why whats wrong. Im getting a little sick. Oh ok she says. Halstead jumped out of the car and threw up. Lindsey where are you Voight askes over the mike. Sorry Boss, Halstead was getting car sick. Get here as soon as he feels alittle better, Will do. Hey Halstead are sure your just car sick you look pale. UM yea im not going home i can't miss. But halstead. Erin im fine dont tell please. Fine she says. They hop back in the car and get to the scene. Halstead you good asked Voight. Yeah im good. When they go back to the station Halstead puts his head down on his desk. Jay u good Antonio asks. Yea i got a headache but im good. Halstead in my office, ok. Whats wrong with you if your sick you know you can go home Voight says. Sargent im ok a little headache but i will survive. Lindsey im going to the bathroom. TO puke or really go to the bathroom she whispered. first one he says running out of the office. Erin whats up with Halstead Ruzek asked, yea he looks sick Antonio adds. Um yea he doesn't feel very good will you go check on him. Where is he? He went to the bathroom to throw up. Ok we will check on him. Jay you ok. No he coughs. You look bad Jay. I think i have the flu but- he threw up again before he could finish. Your going home. No guys come on i can handle it. Fine but we have to tell Voight so he knows but we will tell him to let you stay. Deal Jay says getting up. Voight, Halstead isn't doing well but he is staying just to let you know. Thanks, but where is he. In the bathroom throwing up. They go the next scene and Halstead has to do a run down. Afteer the rundown. Jay walks to the side of the car and throws up again. After that he goes home. One week later he is back in action feeling much better.All Rights Reserved