Taiyo Kageneko and her Black-ops level Sensei are the last surviving residents of Yukigakure, after a spiteful yokai decimated the Village Hidden in the Snow, leaving nothing but frostbit ruins in its place. Luckily, the Chunin Exams are around the corner, and the title of Korikage, with every other adult member of the Shinobi Corps in Yukigakure dead, fell to Shimo Kageneko, Taiyo's aunt and Sensei in regards to anything having to do with Ninjutsu. After a long trek south from the Land of Blizzards, a landscape riddled with sulfur springs and cold, arctic tundra. The two remaining Hidden Snow Nin arrive at the Hidden Leaf Village, both for Taiyo's first chance at becoming a Chunin and to deliver news of the fate of their home. Will Taiyo find more than a chance to advance her ninja career? Or will she, as her Sensei advises, not get attached to any other genin, as friendships outside of your own village can be dangerous, and may very well put any future missions at risk. When the famed Copy Nin of the Hidden Leaf catches Taiyo sneaking around after curfew.... What will be her fate?