Synopsis - 2086: Within the domed city known only as Desolation, art is crime & crime is art, and DCI Dominic Rexford finds himself revolting in the best way he can; educating his fellow dissenters on how to get away with crime. But when his grand designs threaten repercussions to a child of this society, his crimes cross the point of no return and he dives into the criminal underworld. Will he solve a murder before it happens? Or will his involvement send him spiralling into insanity? One question remains on his mind though; who will stand in his way? His ex-lover, the drug queen Helena Von Triksenstein, or perhaps off-grid art-criminal Noel Noname? Maybe even Party loyalist Selena "Patsy" Patricks, or the dubious hotelier Mr. Touchshriek? (Inspired by and based on elements of the concept album "1. Outside" by David Bowie.)