"Why won't you trust us even after we've proved to not be a threat to you?"
"Why should I trust a group of people who call themselves 'Heros'? As far as I'm concerned, hero's don't exist besides in movies or fairytales"
Dive into the story of a young woman named Athena Wolf.
What was suppost to be a normal day for her, turned into a complete nightmare when she was suddenly kidnapped, rendered unconscious, and turned into a lab experiment.
But the next time she awakes she not only notices that the world she knew is long gone, but that she's far from normal.
Not trusting anyone and unsure what has been done to her or what she's capable of, she run's and hide's.
Read along as Athena learns about this new world full of a superhuman society, about what she capable of, who she can trust, and maybe even come to love.
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
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