'I hate you! I hate you! I'll never be the wife that you deserve!'
'I do not want the wife that I deserve Cassiopeia because it is you that I want.'
'Then,' she hesitated for only a moment, 'I'll never be a wife still yet yours!' she promised him.
'Say that again,' he told her in a hard angry voice, 'and face the rowen,' he dared her. Despite the threat, she climbed out of bed and went to him. She tilted her head to look challengingly at him with her sharp green tear stained eyes.
'I will never be a wife much less yours,' she repeated in a terminal raspy but rather confident voice. He stared at her for a long time, simmering. The tension in the bedroom thickened greatly. Silence reigned as their stare down intensified. All in the room stood in trepidation, awaiting his eppy.
'Everyone,' he ordered in a calm yet jussive voice that betrayed the extremity of his anger. 'Out!' he finished. They all festinated out, skedaddling away as quickly as they could before anyone of them suffered from transfer of aggression. And when the door closed with a small click sound behind them, he drew her to him unexpectedly. 'You are mine,' he simply told her with surety before he lipped her.
🌫She knew nothing, except that she wanted out, away from him, the beast. She knew not what she wanted, especially with a damaged head and fragmented memories. But, she just knew that she wanted nothing, absolutely nothing to do with the monster that left her in perplexity.
🌫He wasn't what she thought he was. He was what she would never dream to think. He was a part of her and she was a part of him. He would never let her go. She must be there, with him, under his spell, wrapped around his thumb lest everything would go wrong. And if it did, he was the only person who could try, mean try to put it back in place for with her, nothing wrong could ever be right.
#3 in Royal love
#3 in Satisfying
#4 in Fated love
How do you fix something that is beyond repair?
How do you stop your heart from breaking each time you try to fix the wrong?
How do you redeem someone when you know the person is beyond redemption?
SHE was the happiest soul to step on this earth.
HE was worse than satan himself.
She was an angel to the world but only a few knew she was a devil in disguise too.
He had a heart of black, they thought, but only a few knew that the same heart was once golden.
She was adamant on making the wrong right.
He was adamant on making it worse.
In the journey of making his wrongs right,
In bringing him out of the darkness.
She didn't know she would become darkness herself, she wasn't aware that her heart would break into million pieces which she couldn't put back.
^ ^ ^ ^
"would you treat me the same way if I wasn't independent and equally strong?" I asked breaking the silence. He stared at me and said
"No, I wouldn't" shocked would be an understatement, I was astonished his 3 words made my heart jump but I wasn't prepared for what came next, " I wouldn't treat you the same way not because no woman deserves it, but because I would never, EVER bend to anyone because I won't beg for anyone to stay, because I don't NEED anyone" he said, coldly. That day I realized one thing, whatever this guy had gone through was beyond repair but I wasn't aware that with him, even I' d have to go through the same hell.
Would Blaze and Olivia cross all limits of being crazy? Will Blaze's cold demeanor be broken by Olivia's warmth? Or will Blaze bring darkness to her like he bought to everything else? Will obsession win over love? Will sins be redeemed?
Cover by: @krissthetic.