Skirts and Steel follows the story of Rantha, an amazon sister who is tasked with the mission of defending Evastha, by finding and killing the reawakened litch, Yephastde, before his undead army destroys the Nations of Ienrad, including Evastha. On her quest she is begrudgingly accompanied by a manslave warrior, Clark, who she undeniably becomes close with, as the shackles of societal segregation and inherent violations within the Amazon bounds, dissolve during her travels across Ienrad, dissipating into a blur of what her heart now feels and what she has been taught to be true. Clashing with culture, and her mission, Rantha's love for Clark and her place as a true daughter of the Great-Mothers in the Amazon society, reaches ultimatum.
Will she be able to save Ienrad, and possibly herself, from damnation, or be doomed to a grand denial of love's fate?
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