The church had changed. Instead of the old Romanesque cathedrals, there are dark gothic cathedrals. To explain this, people came up with a twisted story. Seven gothic cathedrals were built around millions of Romanesque cathedrals in Europe. The first one was in Italy, the second one was in Spain, England was where the third one was, the fourth one was in Norway, the fifth one ended up in France, and the sixth and seventh one was in Greece and Switzerland. Each cathedral was run by a nun, not clergy. To keep people involved in the Roman Catholic faith, parents told their children that the clergymen would bring anyone who opposed the catholic faith to the nun and they would die. It scared the children into going to mass, but the older kids didn't believe it.
I realized how true that story was.
This story is inspired by a picture, called The Seven Chairs, from The Mysteries of Harris Burdick by Chris Van Allsburg.