in 1890, in London under industry conditions,working children and poverty are influential at that time. Poor societies have been influenced more and more.Some of them are Morris and his son,Edmund. Morris and his son live in Thursley village which people suffer from poverty. Morris's wife was not so lucky as her baby. She died of gastric bleeding after her son was born.
Years pass, Morris struggle against hardships of life. He works in a factory located in Thursley.Since he is responsible for caring his son and working in factory as well, his life is really difficult.He sometimes commends his son to his neighbour.
Days pass very fast. Edmund is primary school student. He is really intelligent and hardworking student. He has been loved by his teachers and friends.
One day, he abruptly feels ill. He is quickly taken to hospital.Eva, who is his teacher, looks after him.Dr.Patricia comes to room and tells her bad news. His illness seems liver disease. In this situation, Eva feels very sad. She calls Morris quickly. Morris goes to hospital in Surrey. Morris,who hears about bad news from Eva, is really desperate and sad because required medicines are very difficult to be found, also very expensive. On the top of these, Gabriel ,who is Morris's boss, rushes him all the time. Gabriel is really cruel and selfish boss. As a result, Morris will struggle against his working and private life as well.