This story is set in a country named Atlantis, which is on a planet called Volta. This planet is present in a world full of magic and mythical creatures. A girl named Ryoko Lovell lives a normal life. On her 13th Birthaday, she gets to know her element. Then she will start her training of vampiric powers. She is just like everyone else on that planet, except the fact that she lived alone in a house. She lived a normal life until she finds a mysterious egg in the forest on her 13th Birthday. As if things were not weird enough, she finds out that something is wrong with her powers. What is in that egg? What is wrong with her powers? And many more questions are there for which she has to find answers. But, the main question is, will she survive the change? Read to find out. ***This is my second story on Wattpad. I hope you like it. Please support as much as you can. Happy Reading***