Harry Potter watches the marvel movies. Natalie Rushman was a bright Slytherin who went to Hogwarts in the same year as the marauders. And had a relationship with James Potter himself. in the ending of her 7th year she fell pregnant, her and James was so happy. when Natalie found out about the baby she planned to escape the red room for the sake of her unborn child. Unfortunately Madam B found out about it before she could put her plan in motion, and she was sent back "home" before she could finish her school year. James was angry and heartbroken thinking that she had ran off with his unborn child, and he sought comfort in Lily Evans, and soon after they graduated Lily fell pregnant with the boy who lived. Natalie quickly became a distant memory. And the unborn baby grew up to be Anya Romanova, one of the original 8 avengers