"Get me out of here." He said rather annoyed as I was laughing at him, leaning against the doorframe and swinging the key from the door around my finger. "I will when you tell me that I'm smarter, better, and prettier than you, the infamous serial killer Jeffrey Woods." I laughed as my eyes pierced through his. "I'd rather die." he growled at me. I sighed, "I guess I'll have to leave you here then. Oh well." And I walked away. "Wait!" I heard him say. With a smile on my face I waited, still having my back turned at him. "You're smarter, better, and prettier than me." He sighed. "I can't hear you." I said, still not looking at him. "You're smarter, better, and prettier than me." He said, irritated. "1 more time." I said, smiling wider than before. "You're smarted, better, and prettier than me!" He said again in a loud voice. Giggling I turned around and walked towards the door, unlocking it. "Good boy."
As seen in a note posted on the table of a guy name Lee Hyukjae at the Hongik University:
Dear Fishy,
Know this before you go. I love you so much. I treated you more than as a brother. You were the one who could see thru me. You're the only one who knows me inside and out. Don't forget that. Remember me always. Remember the me that is always with you. The me that endure all the hardships we have in the past. The me that always supported you from the back. The me that took care of you. Remember that. Promise me that you will never betray me in the future. But if you did, I will always be your number one fan, your number one supporter, and your number one lover. Yours always, Fishy. As seen in a note held by the late Lee Hyukjae who died in an encounter in a warehouse in Seoul: Dear Fishy, Hey there. I think this is my first note to you right? Remember back in the academy when we always talk and eat and walk home together right? Do you remember that? And remember the note you gave me before we graduated? Do you? Well for me, yes I do remember everything. If you only knew what I have gone thru all this time, when I tried my best to get out of this organization. How I wish I could have told you sooner. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I wasn't able top say this to you before but now, I think I might be a little too late. But in any case, I'll say it any way. Saranghaeyo Fishy. Thanks for everything. Goodbye.
Yours always and forever,