This is white star's story...
"Villains are made not born." What turned him into one? Is it because he broke his promise?killed his clan, ? Or is it because he is fated to be? Has any of you tried to find the answers to all of his actions? No..
Maybe he broke his promise to protect the people he cared for, maybe he killed his clan for a reason big enough to accept being labelled "Villain". Or was it another scheme of God of Death to fix what he broke. It could be any of them, but one thing is for sure.
Cale barrow was once an ordinary human loved by everyone, before being the villain feared by everyone.
-I will sacrifice the world to save my family. Kill a God or be the God, I don't care if you hate me. If this will really save you then I'm willing to be a killer for eternity -
"My brother, for now sleep, sleep until your strong enough to kill me." - cale Barrow