In this universe, everyone has a unique soul, everyone has their own story but what would happen if the story of *that* soul is revealed? In this story we will follow the lives of the Fredbear's and Nightmare's children Midnight : 21 years old "Eclipse : 11 years old" Arada : 3 years old //(Tsuki : 16 years old)// Everyone thought Eclipse was Midnight's first creation... But they are wrong Eclipse is not Midnight's first creation... he's his real brother But with a soul more complicated than Fredbear's soul Eclipse knows all this, but he keeps me hidden so he doesn't hurt his daddy and his sisters. But sooner or later the truth will always end up being revealed. How and why will the story of this soul be revealed? What will be the consequences of his silence? Who is Midnight's first creation? What will happen in the future? And Eclipse? What is he? Who he is ? //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /!\ AU/story based on an awesome rp-- /!\ /!\ Fnaf AU /!\ /!\ First story /!\ /!\ Ships /!\ /!\ Story containing timelines, alternate universe and alternate dimensions /!\ /!\ FredxNight moments /!\ /!\ Angst /!\ /!\ treason /!\ /!\ RP Spoil-- /!\ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////All Rights Reserved