Let's say your mother bore you in a province down South for pretty much all your life under 20 years, fatherless and penniless. You became the laughing stock in school, and your mother gossiped all over the village for giving you birth out of wedlock. At the ripe age of 7, you found out that your father is a very powerful chairman of a bank across East Asia, South East Asia, South America and Australia. You begin to wonder what happened with your parents' tragic romance. Only then later you find out your mother is not even penniless- she is much richer than your father an exponential times over. On top of it all, she is apparently the leader of the biggest syndicate in Russia, named Ekaterina Ignatkovich. What if you find out that you are the most awaited heir of your father's growing bank, and your mother's trillions of assets from her Italian enterprise? Oh, the story doesn't stop there. What if you are also the crowned inheritor, who's meant to inherit the biggest Italian, German and Russian mafia syndicates altogether? What do you do? "He who is born a King will have the kingdom come to him. By the power of virtue or the warm of violence."