In a world full of mythical creatures and those with magical talents, one path of magic stands out from the rest. They are called Soulbound Magi, humans who have been chosen to defend and care for forces of nature - be it an island, ocean, or forest. They intertwine their soul, their very being, with the ancient soul that resides inside these places, granting them great power.
The Silverlux Forest, within the Kingdom of Evareon, holds one such Soulbound Magi. Some know her as the Witch of Thorns, who has been protecting her forest fiercely from attacks by a corrupted mage for over a decade. But, others know her as Thistle, a kind soul with a warm smile who will help anyone in need. So when one night, she catches a strange figure attempting to steal from a nearby farmer only to find out that stranger was an exile, cursed and shunned, slowly starving to death after months in the wilderness alone - the witch couldn't turn her back on her. However, the woman is not quick to trust Thistle after all of the pain others have caused her.
Will the witch find a way to undo the curse? Will she earn the cursed woman's trust, becoming her friend? Or perhaps...something more? And when the corrupted mage joins forces with a long-forgotten evil, will the two manage to unite the Soulbound Magi, or will the magic within the kingdom become corrupted?
Within this story, you'll find magic, adventure, and a little bit of romance. It is a story about overcoming your trauma, learning to trust again and realizing that sometimes there is nothing wrong with you but with those who pass judgment on you. It is a story of accepting yourself and being accepted by others, and that when faced with corruption we must come together and face it head-on
New chapters three times a week! Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays