AAA Series - Summary: In his last semester of high school, Desmon Drake is preparing for life at Arcadia Arcane Academy. When he meets a mysterious woman called "Mother", who in turn assigns Desmon the role of Beast Master. Thanks to "Mother," Desmon has a guide in the form of Garnet, the fire elemental. Desmon must now manage his schoolwork while meeting "Mother's" wishes. This seems like a huge undertaking. The big question is, will Desmon be able to defend his new life from the mystery surrounding his Beast Master role and AAA, or will AAA and "Mother's" wishes be too much for him to handle? AAA: ROTBM - Book Summary: Now that Desmon has encountered the mysterious woman calling herself "Mother," he must join Garnet in finding the rest of the elemental beasts and enroll in school. As Desmon arrives at Arcane Academy with his friend Maxine, he meets his housemates Amber and Maylien. However, it seems Maylien isn't very fond of him. Meanwhile, as Desmon and Garnet search for Gale, the beast of wind, Maxine and Amber uncover a dangerous mystery surrounding the grandfather of Desmon. As a result, Desmon must face the truth, as well as protect his friends and save Maylien from a damaged elemental.
7 parts