________________________________________ In the year 2674 a man named John will become one of the greatest soldiers ever known. the human race has expanded among the stars of terrestrial and extra terrestrial races. After the galactic war against the Zanpie alien fleet a century ago. The Central United Alliance and the Galactic Defense Base have formed a massive military group called the Imported Galactic Union. Their leader Kyle Khan gave the 1st order to build the Galactic All Star City Of SpaceyMaroon. The capital building GlowKhan City Hall Is The Government of the city. The enemy to the government is the GeasolFederation. Now That they have been attacking their government they are now at war who will win? ________________________________________ Warhammer fans and gamers should enjoy this book ! :) .Imani. SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS!!!!!!! This is apart of the Renegade Sequence____________________________________THIS STORY WILL NOT BE WORKED ON ANY MORE____________________________________All Rights Reserved