17 parts Ongoing "Shadows of Secrecy: Dr. Müller's Dual Life" follows the thrilling journey of Dr. Hans Müller, a renowned medic in Germany who leads a covert life as an operative for the clandestine organization, Nachtwächter Geheimhund. When Dr. Müller's cover is compromised in Munich, he narrowly escapes agents from an opposing faction, leading him to seek refuge and a plan of action. As he races back to the organization's headquarters in Berlin, he confides in an old friend, unraveling secrets about his double life. Faced with danger and the need to protect those close to him, Dr. Müller brings his friend into the world of secrecy, initiating him into an enigmatic organization, altering both their lives forever. The story weaves a tale of suspense, intrigue, and the complexities of living a dual existence in the shadows of espionage.
Copyright © 2023 by Rohan Biazon
All rights reserved.
No portion of this story may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.